WeGotTickets Feed formats

RSS 2.0 format

RSS is a standardised XML format for publishing frequently changing information. It can be 'read' or 'consumed' with a feed reader or aggregator, many of which are available.
There are also many plugins and scripts available on the web that allow RSS to be integrated with websites.
If your website is run on one of the popular Content Management Systems such as Joomla or WordPress, a plugin will be the way to go for integration. If you have a custom built website your developers will be able to advise you.

Below is an example of our RSS format.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss xmlns:php="https://php.net/xsl" version="2.0">
        <description>Events on sale at our website.</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 02:17:40 +0000</lastBuildDate>
            <title>Event Title</title>
                The description of the event
                including the price and date
            <category>Music - General</category>
            <pubDate>Wed, 22 Jan 2025</pubDate>
        <!-- more items... -->

Custom XML format

Our custom XML format contains a bit more information that the RSS and it is divided into more fields making it suitable for integration into a website by means of a purpose built script.

Below is an example of our custom XML format.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>WeGotTickets Events</title>
    <description>Events on sale at our website.</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 02:17:40 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <event id="000000">
        <title>Event Title</title>
        <genre>Music - General</genre>
        <description>The description of the event</description>
            <start>Wed, 22 Jan 2025</start>
            <end>Wed, 22 Jan 2025</end>
            <!-- the same as start for a one day event -->
            <info>7:00pm</info> <!-- free text -->
            <start/> <!-- for future use -->
            <end/> <!-- for future use -->
        <price currency="GBP">
            <!-- min and max are different if there are a range of prices -->
        <venue id="1">Venue Name</venue>
        <dateAdded>Wed, 22 Jan 2025</dateAdded>
        <status>On sale</status>
    <!-- more events... -->